Happy, May, Friends! What are your dreams, desires, and intentions for this fresh new month?
For those of you who own a business, we are launching a fresh new quarter. Have you checked your numbers for the first quarter?
This is a great time to ask yourself these five questions:
What needs to be addressed?
What needs attention?
What needs to be adjusted?
What do I need to start doing?
What do I need to stop doing?
This Thursday in my Women's Coaching Accelerator, we're having an open coaching forum following our regular session. This is the perfect time to get a fresh start on a new quarter.
As usual, I have created a list of affirmations for this month just for you. An affirmation is a positive sentence that you pin into your subconscious that can make your days better. I use affirmations in my own life to help override negative or fearful thoughts. Give this a try for a month and let me know if it works for you.
Free Printable for May:

As always, I'm here to help you along your success journey. Sign up for individual coaching here, or, learn more about Monday Morning Success Circle for Women here.
Upcoming Workshops and Events:
May your month be filled with love, success, and intention.
I believe in you. xo
