Let's Coach
Success Circle
Join Success Circle if you are a solo-professional and do-it-yourself business owner and are serious about filling your practice, attracting ideal clients, and working smarter, not harder. This is a Monday morning virtual group filled with amazing women. If you want to be surrounded with a circle of strategy, support, and encouragement, this is for you. All sessions occur live and are recorded.
SHIFT Coaching
SHIFT is a One-on-One Fast-Action Strategy and Mentoring Program for women who want to LAUNCH or RE-Launch their business and integrate or improve systems for success. This is ideal for the female business owner who wants to have her business booked to full capacity but wants to move fast and work one-on-one with me instead of in a group. This series of six sessions happen virtually and you can record and keep each one.
One Time Strategy
If you need help getting un-stuck with one area or problem in your life or business, the one-time strategy session is perfect. We'll meet for 90 minutes virtually and have a 30 minute follow up session to tie up the loose ends. Get your "Ask Beth" list ready, buckle up, and take your vitamins, because we'll get right to work. We meet virtually and you can record the session to refer back to.