Welcome to chapter 12 of 2022, friends. Most of us will spend some time this month reflecting on the past year and setting intentions for the next.
This is also a common time of year for women to be especially hard on themselves, set ridiculous expectations, and feel exhausted. Winter is a time to go inward, to rest and reset expectations. You were not meant to work seven days a week and sleep less than seven hours each night.
Somehow we got this idea in our heads and have been holding ourselves and each other to standard that are not realistic or fulfilling.
I found a holiday "to do" list many years ago and have saved it in my box of decorations so I get a fresh reminder each year. It says:

When we reframe the holiday season as a time of peace and giving instead of frantic activities, the month can be a joyful way to end the year and usher in new intentions.
Today I offer this gift of affirmations for you to reflect on throughout the month. Print this out and keep it close by to review during your morning and evening routines, and feel free to share it with anyone would would benefit:

If you find yourself needing some "VitaminBeth" for your business, I'll be hosting some pop-up webinar masterclasses over the next few weeks. Get all the details and register below:
Remember, YOU are in charge of what to say yes to this month, and your wise choices show all the women around you what's possible.

My newest program for women is called The Position Your Practice Accelerator. It's the smartest and best program I've created so far for busy women who have big goals and are juggling family alongside career. Get all the details and become a founding member here.

"Success doesn't have to be as hard as you keep trying to make it."
-Beth Caldwell
